
The Pain Points of Web Development with WordPress

There’s something with WordPress…

Most capable developers don’t like it… yet they use it.

You must have even heard jibes such as “are WordPress developers even real developers?”

Despite such oddity, developers still use this CMS.


Well, you can joke around WordPress developers till the cows come home

But you can’t deny the fact that WordPress has made development a piece of cake for non-technical users.

Having said that—

Do WordPress issues lingering in 2021 help web developers? Or

Is WordPress really good for web development as it claims?

Well, let’s keep aside 75 million websites powered by WordPress and all the goodie-goodie claims.

We’ll cover what’s the most frustrating thing about WordPress.

So are you beefed up?

Problems with WordPress development in 2021

Go ahead!

Biggest WordPress nightmare #1: Plugin, Plugin everywhere… not a way to develop WP website without it

You know how websites are meant to be these days…

● Modern,

● Customized,

● Practical,

● Personalized,

● And fast :/

Unfortunately, WordPress demands you use plugins for the simplest of tasks.

Let alone the difficult ones.

Well, you may find WP developer plugins as dreamy hacks to power your website.

But many developers feel a plain pain in the neck.

We’ll tell you why:

The cons of using WordPress plugins

● Plugins limit developers to add customized functionalities to the website

● Developers feel plugins open the doorways of web vulnerabilities

● Incapable developers may overuse plugins to solve the slightest tasks

● Plugin overuse may bring compatibility issues and create ugly conflicts among them

● Excessive plugins can affect the page speed terribly

This is why we recommended you to hire experienced web developers.

Developers who can convert WordPress website development and management issues into a money-minting business opportunity for you.

Ahh!! We get you.

The costs of hiring web developers are bothering you. Right?

Well, but don’t worry!

Top web development companies customize development plans depending on your needs.

Biggest WordPress nightmare #2: With great plugins… come great security vulnerabilities


Security is one of the strong reasons why WordPress is difficult to use!

So you get in more plugins to broaden your functionality.

But the risk is so insidious that you’re creating security vulnerabilities at the same time.

Curious how?

Why are WordPress sites vulnerable?

Well, WordPress is a massive open-source engine!

Imagine you’re developing a WordPress website.

What happens next? 100s of programmers can view your code.

Even security plugins may not secure your website completely.

Older plugins create more of a problem if they don’t get updated with time.

Here’s the thing— every plugin is a potential attack on your website.

And even

● themes,

● software,

● fewer security checks for comment and submission forms

add to the WordPress security issues.

The most challenging WordPress security situations

● unauthorized logins using the brute force

● lack of timely website updates (outdated WordPress)

● making everyone the website admin, instead of defining a particular user role

● malware attack with non-updated themes and plugins

● SQL injection to make new accounts

Biggest WordPress nightmare #3: Live changes with no resets are like… fixing the switchboards with electricity on

A sane approach would be:

  1. Make changes
  2. Preview the changes
  3. Upload the final changes

But here’s what’s happening with WordPress development changes…

  1. You make changes in fly
  2. Live changes take place in the background
  3. You have no clue how the changes look like
  4. The Earth flips upside down with immediate effect :/

Bad! Real bad WordPress!

It’s like you’re repairing a car speeding over 100 miles per hour.

And you know what bothers us more?

WordPress lets you

● make content changes,

● test your content,

● manage private content,

● schedule posting calendars

So WordPress is amazing when it’s about content changes.

But talk about WordPress developer software!

Hell annoying to know you can’t even reset the previous configuration.

It’s madness!

Biggest WordPress nightmare #4: The thematic handcuffs that you want… but don’t deserve

The best part about WordPress themes is you can pick any and get started with the word go!

But it’s also the worst part.

Ask us why?

Well, themes tie your designing hands until you want a complete make-over. 😐

Do you want to get handcuffed for several design decisions?

If it doesn’t bother you— you can go ahead.

But what if the theme designer doesn’t update the theme as promised?

You see… there’s the problem.

Here’s why themes only put barriers to web development.

Cons of pre-built WordPress themes

● They might bring in a lot of security risks

● They may not have clean code according to your website standards

● There’s no room for personalization

● What on Earth are SEO practices for readymade themes?

What you learned— WordPress disadvantages

You learned… WordPress plugins are good… but excessive goodness is harmful to your website.

You learned… WordPress is home to open-source programmers. Brilliant! Also, WordPress is home to open-source programmers. Sad!

You learned… You can’t see the changes in brochures and presentations of a site without laying the site itself. 😀

You learned… The themes are good… only when you don’t care about website security.

Okay, so tell us if we asked you… what would you improve about WordPress?

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